folate deficiency anemia

definition :
Folate-deficiency anemia is the lack of folic acid in the blood. Folic acid is a B vitamin that helps your body make red blood cells. If you don’t have enough red blood cells, you have anemia. Red blood cells carry oxygen to all parts of your body. When you have anemia, your blood can’t bring enough oxygen to all your tissues and organs. Without enough oxygen, your body can’t work as well as it should.
Low levels of folic acid can cause megaloblastic anemia. With this condition, red blood cells are larger than normal. There are fewer of these cells. They are also oval-shaped, not round. Sometimes these red blood cells don’t live as long as normal red blood cells
causes :
  • You don’t eat enough foods that have folic acid. These include green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, fortified cereals, yeast, and meats (including liver).
  • You drink too much alcohol
  • You have certain diseases of the lower digestive tract, such as celiac disease. This type of anemia also occurs in people with cancer.
  • You take certain medicines, such as some used for seizures.
  • You are pregnant. This is because the developing baby needs more folic acid. Also, the mother absorbs it more slowly. A lack of folate during pregnancy is linked to major birth defects that affect the brain, spinal cord, and spine (neural tube defects).


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